Customer Success

Software Imaging

From reactive to revolutionary: redesigning a company culture

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At Software Imaging, the mission was not only to survive a reactive business landscape but to master it. The journey began with a clear goal: bring innovative products to market. To do this they had to transform a business bogged down by inefficiencies and silos.

People collaborating around table

The Challenge: transformation from the inside out

Software Imaging found itself at a crossroads. Caught in a cycle of reactive work and segmented team structures, they were a company under siege from its operational models. The existing culture was fragmented—developers and testers were entrenched in an “us vs them” mindset. Strategic initiatives were sidelined. Agile practices were superficial and innovation time was rarely used. They sorely needed to transform their work culture.

Our Approach

Software Imaging decided to overhaul its culture from the ground up, supported by Mark Summers, a Beliminal Partner. They adopted “Scrum by the Book ”, introduced Work-in-Progress limits to foster collaboration, and formed a separate reactive team to shield the Scrum teams, allowing them to focus on what they do best. Recruitment strategies were refocused to prioritise agility, and they placed a new emphasis on engineering practices and introduced methods such as vision boards and product canvases. Two years in, the Product Owners became well-versed in contributing directly to the project’s vision and execution.

The Results

Software Imaging redefined itself. The company became a model of agile success, no longer reactive but continuously delivering working software. They went from one product to multiple product lines. Empowered teams were now pioneers in their fields, confidently experimenting with new ideas and taking ownership of their projects. Innovation was no longer a scheduled afterthought. They introduced hack days, where creativity could flourish unrestricted, leading to rapid prototyping and direct feedback loops that dramatically shortened the development cycle and enhanced product quality.


Software Imaging’s story is one of overcoming adversity through bravery, strategic foresight and an unwavering commitment to ethical practices and continuous growth. They have transformed their internal culture and set an industry standard by becoming a truly agile, responsive and innovative technology company. Their journey is a testament to the power of adopting an agile mindset, proving that any organisation can rise above its challenges with the right approach and determination.

At Beliminal, we stand ready to assist others in navigating their paths to success, embodying our promise of change through you, not to you. Sound good? Let’s talk about how we can bring transformation to your organisation.

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