24 October 2024
Check-In Questions
Check-In Questions are an excellent strategy for building trust and strengthening relationships within teams. This approach not only fosters a more open and communicative environment but also helps team members understand each other on a deeper level, contributing to a healthier workplace culture. Every time you meet as a team, it is a chance to strengthen your relationships.
Tensions Addressed
Check-In questions help build relationships and can help address the following tensions.
We Avoid Tough Conversations
This tension is present when teams or individuals shy away from confronting difficult issues, whether interpersonal or related to work. This avoidance can lead to unresolved conflicts, reduced trust, and ineffective communication.
Lack of Trust
This fundamental tension arises when there is a deficit of trust between employees and between employees and management. It can lead to a toxic work environment where people are reluctant to share information, collaborate, or take risks.
We Lack Soft Skills
This tension is recognised when there is a deficiency in interpersonal skills within the organisation. This includes poor communication, lack of empathy, inadequate conflict resolution, and teamwork challenges. Such a gap can hinder collaboration, employee engagement, and effective leadership.
Toxic Behaviours
This refers to negative actions and attitudes prevalent within the organisation, such as bullying, gossip, manipulation, or exclusion. These behaviours create a hostile work environment, lower morale, and can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity.
Lack of Psychological Safety
People are not prepared to ask questions, seek feedback, admit mistakes, or propose new ideas within their team or organisational environment, as they perceive there is a high risk of negative consequences.
Key Charateristics
Encouraging Personal Sharing
It invites team members to share something new or personal about themselves, which helps build psychological safety. By revealing aspects of their personalities, experiences, or emotions, team members create connections that foster trust, vulnerability, and a sense of belonging within the group. This openness contributes to a supportive environment where people feel safe to express themselves and collaborate more effectively.
It invites genuine, thoughtful responses rather than simple yes/no answers, encouraging team members to share their feelings, perspectives, or experiences.
Non-Work Focus
A good check-in question often goes beyond work topics, touching on personal well-being or broader reflections, which helps humanise interactions and deepen trust.
It is easy for everyone to answer, regardless of role or background, ensuring all team members can participate and feel heard.
Relevance to the Moment
The question should resonate with the current context, such as the team’s mood, recent events, or upcoming challenges, fostering a connection to the present situation.
Promotes Reflection
It encourages self-reflection, helping team members to pause and consider their thoughts or emotions, fostering mindfulness and self-awareness.
Examples that encourage sharing
What’s one thing you’re really looking forward to this week (either at work or outside of work)?
Can you share something you’ve learned recently, whether it’s work-related or personal?
What’s something outside of work that’s been on your mind lately?
What’s a small win you’ve had recently, either in work or life, that made you feel good?
What’s one hobby or interest you’re passionate about that others may not know about?
What’s something that inspired or motivated you this week?
What’s one thing that’s bringing you joy or comfort right now?
What’s a challenge you’ve been facing lately, and how are you handling it?
What’s a recent experience (big or small) that gave you a sense of accomplishment?
What’s something new or surprising you’ve discovered about yourself recently?
Examples with a non-work focus
What’s a hobby or activity you love that others might not know about?
If you could spend a day doing anything, what would it be and why?
What’s the best book, movie, or show you’ve experienced recently, and what did you enjoy about it?
What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit, and why does it appeal to you?
What’s something you’re really passionate about outside of work?
What’s a skill or talent you have that most people might not know about?
If you could learn one new thing this year (a skill, language, or hobby), what would it be and why?
What’s your favorite way to unwind or relax after a busy day?
What’s a recent personal accomplishment you’re proud of?
What’s one thing that brings you joy or excitement outside of work?
Examples of questions that capture the moment
What’s one thing on your mind as we head into this meeting or project?
How are you feeling about the current challenges we’re facing as a team?
What’s something you’re hopeful about in the upcoming week/month?
What’s one thing you’re focused on right now that you’d like support with?
As we’re nearing the end of the quarter/project, what’s one thing that’s been a highlight for you so far?
Given everything going on right now, what’s one thing that’s been helping you stay grounded?
What’s something you’re looking forward to or feeling uncertain about in the coming days?
What’s a recent event or change that has impacted you, either positively or negatively?
What’s the biggest thing on your mind as we start this week/meeting/project?
As we start this new initiative, what excites you and what concerns you?
Examples that encourage reflection
What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself through your work or interactions lately?
How are you feeling today, really? What’s contributing to that feeling?
What’s one thing you’re grateful for right now, and why?
What’s a recent challenge that helped you grow, and how did you navigate it?
What’s one area where you’d like to improve, and what steps are you taking to work on it?
What’s one thing you’ve been avoiding, and what might happen if you addressed it?
When was the last time you felt truly energized or in flow? What were you doing?
What’s a decision you made recently that you’re proud of, and why?
What’s a question you’ve been asking yourself lately, and what insights have you gained?
How aligned do you feel with your personal values right now, and what might need to shift?
Examples that use metaphors
If your current state of mind were the weather, what would the forecast look like, and why?
If your life were a book right now, what chapter would you be in, and what’s the title?
If you were a garden, what would be blooming in your life right now, and what’s something that still needs tending?
If you were a vehicle on a journey, what kind of terrain are you navigating at the moment, and how’s the ride?
If your energy were represented by a type of beverage, what would it be today, and why?
If you were an animal right now, what animal would best describe your current mood or mindset, and why?
If your personal life were a season, what season would you be in right now, and what’s something that represents this phase for you?
If your life were a soundtrack right now, what genre of music would best describe it, and what’s the standout track?
If you were a tree, what stage of growth do you feel you’re in, and what’s helping you grow or holding you back?
If your mood were a landscape, what kind of scenery would it be, and what do you notice around you?
Check-In Questions are a powerful tool not only for fostering connection and building trust but also for addressing key tensions within teams. By creating an inclusive and open environment, these questions encourage team members to share personal insights, feelings, and experiences, which helps to surface and resolve hidden tensions like avoidance of tough conversations, lack of trust, and insufficient soft skills. Through this shared vulnerability, Check-In Questions provide a platform to address toxic behaviors and create psychological safety, giving team members the space to voice their concerns and challenges. This approach not only strengthens relationships but also transforms underlying organizational tensions into opportunities for growth, collaboration, and improved team dynamics. By addressing these tensions directly through ongoing conversations, teams foster a healthier, more transparent, and adaptive workplace culture where individuals feel supported, valued, and empowered to navigate challenges together.
Develop Your Skills
To develop your skills in the area of team development consider our Scrum Master learning path, from our foundational Scrum Master training as your starting point, progressing to Advanced Scrum Master and finally Scrum Professional. As a leader in an organisation develop your Agile Leadership skills with our over-arching Agile Leadership training.
If you would like support in building high-performing teams consider our Consulting Services, we can put together a programme for team development designed specifically for your teams and organisation. Reach out today to discuss any support that you need.