Welcome to the Future of Work

Future of Work

Happy 2021: Welcome to the Future of Work

Happy New Year, we got through 2020! It was hard for many at times. BeLiminal is brought together by a desire to see real human potential and engagement at work in organisations. Our mission is to help people evolve their world to make it a better place. I hope that we made the world a little bit better for some of the people we worked with, by appreciating their efforts, being kind, having patience with technology, and supporting positive change where we could.

The Road Behind Us

At BeLiminal we have been helping people on their Agile journeys for the last 15 to 20 years. Our clients have chosen to work with us because of our extensive experience, but the nature of our work has changed over time. At the start, many of us were early adopters and our work was about Agile Software Development and eXtreme Programming, usually wrapped up in a bit of Scrum. Overtime we started helping others, moving into the early majority adopters. For me, that meant working with a lot of medium size product development and larger retail organisations. It also started to become more about continuous delivery, agile portfolio management, supporting the change in management style and organisational culture. Of late, we are frequently working with large enterprises where the concept of Business Agility has gone far beyond software development.

As part of our journey as Agile Coaches, we have become facilitators, advisors, teachers, and coaches. We have used those skills to support teams’ growth and wellbeing, to champion quality, serve organisational development, and ignite business innovation and creativity, all in the service of delighting customers with quality products.

Challenges Beyond Agility

There are a number of pressing challenges in the world today where we believe that, as Agile Coaches with our mix of skills, knowledge and experience, we are perfectly placed to help.  Some of the challenges that we are increasingly facing in our client organisations include:

  • Long lead times to get value delivered to the customer.
  • Bureaucratic debt – policies and structures that once served a purpose but are now just slowing down delivery of value and making it more difficult to sense and adapt.
  • Employees’ wellbeing that has taken a blow since COVID hit due to enforced changes in circumstances, increased stress, burnout, lack of motivation, and mental health issues.
  • Interpersonal conflict caused by remote working and communicating.
  • Personal Development and planned change initiatives being put on hold as organisations conserve cash while assessing the full impact of COVID.
  • Organisational cultures that are under strain due to the amount of change needed just to stay in the game.
  • Talent shortages in the key skill areas.
  • Increasingly volatile and uncertain business environment.
  • The acceleration of the need to move to a digital workplace and a digital marketplace.

That is just the tip of the iceberg and you will probably recognise some of those challenges in your business.  If so, 2021 provides an opportunity to act. It is time to change not just to survive, but to set up the foundation to thrive as we eventually emerge from the current crisis.  I think it is time for some positivity and for looking at a way forward.

At BeLiminal we have been looking towards the Future of Work. We have also been looking at the better way to engage so that we can truly help you unleash the potential inherent within your people.

What is the Future of Work?

The future of work is a collection of ideas that challenge the way we run our organisations.  None of these ideas are new by themselves. In fact, they have been around for years, sometimes decades, and have been key to some very successful organisations. However they are yet to move into the mainstream.

The effects of the global pandemic are going to challenge the viability of business for a number of years. This will create the need and opportunity to reinvent the way we operate. We are on the cusp of an organisational and management revolution.  In this future we will need to be more intentional about how we work.

At the heart of this revolution are people with a craving to do something meaningful, something that they enjoy doing, with full control over how they do it.  This creates an opportunity to unleash people’s creativity and thinking for the mutual benefit of the planet and all creatures that live upon her.  

Throughout this series we will explore several key trends of the Future of Work including:

  • Self-Management
  • Purpose-Driven Organisations
  • Focus on People and their Wellbeing
  • What is the Future of Work for Managers?
  • Supportive Leadership
  • How we create the Future

Why is this important for the Future of Work?

Ultimately we need to create adaptable and resilient organisations that can respond quickly to an ever changing world. With our people at the heart of this change, we will be able to move quickly with the minimal viable bureaucracy.  We will create the simplest organisations while remaining focused on delighting our customers. Our people will need to come first, because without focusing on the wellbeing of our people, we will not be able to serve our customers.

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